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Breaking the Silence: Supporting Kids with Selective Mutism

Writer's picture: Zeenat KhalilZeenat Khalil

Selective mutism (SM) is an anxiety disorder that can significantly impact a child's life, making it difficult or impossible for them to speak in certain social situations, such as at school or with unfamiliar people. It's crucial to understand that a child with selective mutism is not choosing not to speak; they are literally unable to speak. This blog post aims to provide a comprehensive guide for parents, caregivers, and educators on how to support children with selective mutism, helping them find their voices and build their self-confidence.

Understanding Selective Mutism

Selective mutism typically begins in early childhood, often between the ages of 2 and 4, and is usually first noticed when a child starts interacting with people outside their family, such as at nursery or school. It's characterized by a marked contrast in a child's ability to engage with different people. A child may be very talkative at home but completely or mostly nonverbal in other settings. This can include an inability to speak even to familiar adults in the presence of others.

The expectation to talk to certain people triggers a "freeze" response with feelings of anxiety and panic, making speaking impossible. Over time, a child may learn to anticipate these situations and avoid them. Children with selective mutism are able to speak freely with close family and friends when nobody else is around.

It is important to recognize that selective mutism is not shyness, stubbornness, or a form of defiance. It is an anxiety disorder that requires understanding, patience, and appropriate intervention.

Signs of Selective Mutism

The primary sign of selective mutism is the stark contrast in a child's ability to communicate in different settings. Other signs and symptoms may include:

  • A sudden stillness and frozen facial expression when expected to talk to someone outside their comfort zone.

  • Avoiding eye contact.

  • Appearing nervous, uneasy, or socially awkward.

  • Appearing rude, disinterested, or sulky.

  • Clinginess.

  • Shyness and withdrawal.

  • Stiff, tense, or poorly coordinated movements.

  • Stubborn or aggressive behavior, including temper tantrums at home after school.

  • Using gestures, facial expressions, or nodding in place of verbal communication.

  • Avoiding any form of communication, spoken, written, or gestured.

  • Responding with a few words or in an altered voice, such as a whisper.

  • Seeming "shut down" or "paralyzed" in social situations.

  • Difficulty talking with peers.

  • Difficulty communicating even with familiar adults when others are present.

  • Not asking for things they need, such as using the bathroom at school.

Dispelling the Myths

It is essential to address common misconceptions about selective mutism:

  • It's not just shyness: Children with SM are not just shy; they are experiencing a debilitating anxiety disorder.

  • It’s not willful: Children with SM are not choosing not to speak; they are unable to speak due to anxiety.

  • It's not caused by trauma: While trauma can cause mutism, selective mutism is different. Mutism after trauma typically occurs in all situations, not specific ones.

  • It's not autism: Although a child can have both, selective mutism and autism are distinct conditions.

  • It’s not a communication disorder: While a child can have both, selective mutism is not a communication or language disorder.

  • It’s not manipulative behavior: Children with SM are not trying to control or manipulate others.

The Impact of Selective Mutism

Untreated selective mutism can lead to several difficulties:

  • Social Isolation: Children may withdraw from social interactions, leading to feelings of loneliness.

  • Low Self-Esteem: They may develop a negative self-image due to their inability to communicate effectively.

  • Social Anxiety Disorder: Selective mutism is often associated with social anxiety.

  • Academic and Professional Limitations: Difficulties in school and later in work settings can occur as they may struggle to participate in class discussions, ask for help, or engage in group projects.

  • Missed Opportunities: Children may miss out on fun activities and important experiences that require verbal communication.

  • Physical Discomfort: Children may hold on to the need to use the restroom leading to accidents or urinary infections or avoid eating and drinking.

  • Failure to Achieve Potential: Adults may lack qualifications due to the inability to participate in college or job interviews.

Diagnosis of Selective Mutism

Early diagnosis and appropriate management are critical to help children overcome selective mutism. Diagnosis is based on specific guidelines that include the following:

  • Consistent inability to speak in specific social situations, such as school or public places.

  • Ability to speak normally in comfortable situations, such as at home with family.

  • The inability to speak lasts for at least one month, or two months in a new setting.

  • The inability to speak interferes with the child's ability to function in that setting.

  • The inability to speak is not better explained by another disorder.

A clinician should be prepared for the possibility that a person with selective mutism may not be able to speak during their assessment. They should use alternative communication methods, such as:

  • Encouraging communication through parents.

  • Suggesting that older children or adults write down their responses or use a computer.

  • Observing the child playing or watching a video of them speaking in a comfortable environment.

It is important not to accept the opinion that the child will grow out of it or they are "just shy".

Treatment Strategies for Selective Mutism

Treatment for selective mutism focuses on reducing anxiety and creating positive experiences that encourage communication. It's important to remember that treatment does not focus on speaking itself, but rather on reducing anxiety related to speaking. The most effective treatment approaches include:

  • Behavioral Therapy:

    • Graded Exposure: Gradually exposing the child to situations that cause anxiety, starting with the least anxiety-provoking situations. Realistic targets and repeated exposure will help reduce anxiety to a manageable level. Older children and adults are encouraged to determine how much anxiety different situations cause them.

    • Stimulus Fading: Starting with a situation where the person is comfortable communicating, like with a parent, and gradually introducing another person. Once the person is comfortable communicating with the new person, the parent withdraws. More people can be introduced in this way.

    • Shaping: Using techniques that enable the person to gradually produce a response closer to the desired behavior, such as moving from non-verbal communication to eye contact to short words, then longer sentences, and finally two-way conversations.

    • Positive Reinforcement: Responding favorably to all forms of communication and not inadvertently encouraging avoidance and silence. Avoid pressuring the child to speak.

    • Desensitization: Reducing sensitivity to others hearing their voice by sharing voice or video recordings. This could include starting with email or instant messages, and progressing to voicemails, and then phone calls. The child could also watch or listen to recordings of themselves speaking.

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Helping individuals understand and cope with anxiety and other distressing feelings that cause selective mutism symptoms.

  • Medication: Medicine, such as antidepressants, may be used to decrease anxiety levels, particularly when previous treatment attempts have been unsuccessful. It is most appropriate for older children, teenagers, and adults whose anxiety has led to depression or other problems. Medication should be combined with behavioral therapies and should not be prescribed as an alternative to environmental changes and behavioral approaches.

  • Intensive Treatment: Day-long or week-long sessions for faster and more immediate gains.

Creating a Supportive Environment

Creating a positive environment is essential for helping children with selective mutism. This includes:

  • Removing Pressure: Do not pressure the child to speak.

  • Patience and Reassurance: Reassure the child that they will be able to speak when they are ready and that it will get easier over time.

  • Focus on Fun: Engage in enjoyable activities to reduce anxiety and promote interaction.

  • Praise Efforts: Praise any efforts the child makes to join in and interact with others, even if they are non-verbal, such as nodding or pointing.

  • Respond Warmly: Respond warmly when the child speaks, without showing surprise.

  • Validate Feelings: Acknowledge and validate the child's fear and difficulty in speaking.

  • Avoid Public Praise: Do not praise the child publicly for speaking, as it can cause embarrassment.

  • Encourage Non-Verbal Communication: Reassure the child that non-verbal communication is acceptable until they feel better about talking.

  • Environmental Modifications: Consider what environmental changes are needed to make the child more comfortable at parties and family visits.

  • Time to Warm Up: Ask friends and relatives to allow the child time to warm up at their own pace and focus on fun activities rather than trying to get them to talk.

  • Unconditional Support: Provide love, support, and patience.

Working with the School

It is essential to get the school involved in the child’s treatment plan. This includes:

  • Educating School Staff: Teachers and administrators should understand selective mutism and how to help children with the condition.

  • Implementing Strategies: Teachers should be trained in skills and strategies to help children with SM speak.

  • Accommodations: Children with selective mutism may be eligible for accommodations, such as through a 504 plan or an Individualized Education Plan (IEP).

Tips for Helping Kids Talk

Some tips for encouraging kids to talk:

  • Wait Five Seconds: Give children five seconds to respond before repeating the question or letting someone else answer.

  • Use Labeled Praise: Be specific with praise, such as "Great job telling us you want juice!".

  • Rephrase Questions: Ask questions that are more likely to prompt a verbal response, such as giving choices or asking open-ended questions.

  • Practice Echoing: Repeat or paraphrase what the child says.

  • Be a Sportscaster: Provide a play-by-play recap of what the child is doing, which can be helpful when they are being nonverbal.

Helping Older Kids

Treating older children with selective mutism can be more complex because they have lived with the condition for longer. They may have long-standing habits of not speaking and caregivers may have adapted to their avoidance, so more robust treatment plans may be required. Older children are also more likely to need medication to help them participate in therapy. It is important to treat any co-occurring disorders, such as social phobia or depression.

Supporting Bilingual Children

Selective mutism is more common among children who speak a second language. While being bilingual does not cause SM, the expectation to use a language they are less comfortable with can put them at additional risk. It's essential to carefully diagnose bilingual children and not mistake a "silent period" during language acquisition for selective mutism.


Supporting children with selective mutism requires a multifaceted approach that includes understanding, patience, and consistent effort. By creating a supportive and positive environment, using evidence-based treatments, and collaborating with professionals, parents and educators can help children overcome their anxiety and find their voices. Remember that every child is unique, and their journey towards overcoming selective mutism will vary. With the right support, children with selective mutism can thrive and achieve their full potential.



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