30 years, Investment Professsional
Type 1 Diabetes patient for over 10 years cut down his daily insulin level from 80-100 to 57 and reduced hbA1c to 7.2 from 7.7
My Story
As a Type 1 Diabetic for over a decade, I was always cautious about my diet and lifestyle and about taking insulin injections after every meal and ad hoc during the day if my blood glucose reading was over 200 mg/dl. If that spike happened, I would also go for exercise or a walk if I had time at that moment. I was checking my blood glucose 3-4 times daily. I was also exercising with weights at the gym 4-5 times a week. So, I was bothered about the fact that my Hba1c had been rising lately and had reached 7.7 during Jan 2021. My fasting glucose was 177 mg/dl despite being on between 80 – 100 units of insulin daily – combination of long-acting insulin (Tresiba) and short-acting insulin (Apidra Solostar).
I met Kamal right around the time he was launching TGHC and I was convinced that I needed to join the program. He connected me with a Certified Diabetes Educator as part of their Type 1 Diabetes program who was also a Registered Dietitian and had years of coaching patients and families of Type 1 Diabetes patients. As a 30-year-old busy investment professional, I am quite busy and try to keep an active social life. She designed a meal and exercise plan for me which emphasized all the foods that I could and should be eating and which worked well with my schedule.
Most importantly, she trained me on insulin dose adjustment for normal eating and I got a better understanding of how many insulin units are required for a particular meal, based upon its total carbohydrate and pre meal blood sugar levels, which food requires insulin & which does not, basically high & low GI foods. I realized that I was adjusting insulin units based upon meals and blood sugar levels without doing the proper calculations, which was causing oscillating blood glucose levels.
I am happy to report that my fasting glucose has now come down to 106 mg/dl from 177 mg/dl and my Hba1c is down to 7.2 from 7.7 in under 3 months. This despite cutting down my daily insulin total dose to 57 units from 80-100 units earlier. I am also now clearer on how to adjust my doses, as a result of which there have been no incidents of hypoglycaemia. I certainly recommend all Type 1 Diabetics to take advantage of this program.