لماذا يجب على الشركات التركيز على صحة الموظفين؟
أكثر من ٢٥٪ من البالغين في الهند يعانو ن من أمراض التمثيل الغذائي مثل مرض السكري من النوع الأول والثاني، مقدمات السكري، ارتفاع ضغط الدم والسمنة مما يؤدي إلى أكثر من ٢ مليون حالة وفاة سنويًا. فبجانب الإنفاق الزائد للشركة على الرعاية الصحية لزملائك فإنتاجيتهم في العمل ما زالت قليلة.
Best-in-class, published health outcomes from TGHC
Our science, with your doctor, safely applies nutritional biochemistry, exercise, stress and sleep physiology, and positive psychology. Not only does it help reverse or prevent chronic conditions but also aims to improve vitality and slow down ageing and enhance overall quality of life. Here are some of TGHC's members' self-reported outcomes:


Satisfaction rating from our members
Points lower Hba1c (from 8.1% to 6.5%)
Lower weight and waist size, on average
Lower Systolic Blood Pressure, on average

Of active members have improved energy levels
With gut health issues have improved symptoms
Of active members have adopted mindful eating
Of active members have lowered medications
ما هو رأي قادة المؤسسات والخبراء في اهمية صحة الموظفين
HbA1c reduced from 9 to 6.9. Lost 24 kg weight and 10 inches in waist. Better sleep quality. Started doing Yoga every day. Cut insulin injections by half. Eliminated episodes of hypoglycaemia. Reduced bad cholesterols by 40%. Brain fog gone! Lost weight and reduced waist circumference in a matter of weeks. Improved digestion. Reduced sugar cravings.
These are just some of the success stories from TGHC members. We look forward to hearing yours soon.
لماذا يجب أن تشترك معنا في رحلة تحسين صحة موظفيك؟
This program will benefit anyone who wants to transform their overall health and wellbeing with some simple, yet safe and science-led actions. The program is packed with all the knowledge and community motivation you need to achieve behaviour change and health outcomes. If you have any health risks such as having excess body fat, being obese or overweight, poor sleep and energy levels, poor digestion or immunity, etc. then this program will equip you with the tools and knowledge to reverse those risks. You will also benefit if you have any chronic conditions such as Diabetes, Hypertension, High Cholesterols, etc. but please be sure to check with your doctor before you start.
لماذا يجب أن تشترك معنا في رحلة تحسين صحة موظفيك؟
This is a condensed, 30-day program for individuals who are motivated to achieve fast results. The 30 days are split in 4 modules covering nutrition, exercise, sleep and emotional health. The program starts on day 1 with online health assessment to create accurate health baselines and ends with an online celebration. Every day begins with an online session at 8 am facilitated by a live coach and with recorded topical content. Participants then stay engaged during the day on prescribed actions for the day through a whatsapp community. Their engagement wins them rewards!

Our online, science-backed health risks assessments cover all health goals and conditions

45-min group coaching at 8 am everyday led by a TGHC coach, including recorded content

Daily prescribed actions for participants to practice at home and update on whatsapp

Latest science packed in the form of short videos, blogs, e-books and infographics to keep

Points and leader boards every day based on actions and engagement for finale rewards
لماذا يجب أن تشترك معنا في رحلة تحسين صحة موظفيك؟
منهجنا العلمي مع الطبيب المخصص لك يطبق بأمان الكيمياء الحيوية الغذائية، التمارين الرياضية، فسيولوجيا معالجة مشاكل الإجهاد والنوم، الأدوية الصحيحة وعلم النفس الإيجابي. فهو لا يساعد فقط على عكس أو منع أمراض التمثيل الغذائي، ولكنه يهدف أيضًا إلى زيادة العمر بشكل إجمالي من خلال تجنب الأمراض المزمنة الأخرى وتحسين جودة الحياة.
إليكم اسباب اختلافنا

Breadth of health goals
India's only whole-person health program
This is India’s only whole-person health program covering 10+ health goals from chronic health conditions, weight loss, fitness and ergonomics to women’s health, digestive health and emotional health improvement - all with just one online program.
Depth of our expertise
Dedicated and internally trained health experts
TGHC's international team of 50+ doctors, health coaches, fitness experts, psychologists, physiotherapists, ergonomics, fitness, yoga and meditation experts deliver the best of global healthcare. Our health coaches are internally trained rigorously on curriculum from leading global universities.

Designed for engagement
Surround sound engagement
TGHC's surround sound engagement through structured follow ups, online activities and content, points for rewards, competitions and challenges can all promote higher engagement than other programs.
Quantified health outcomes
Best in class health outcomes across health goals
80% of TGHC members see health improvements such as lower weight, improved metabolism, lower medications, improved mood and energy levels and better digestion in just 3 months. TGHC outcomes are published at international journals and conferences.

Guidance for personalized plans
Individual plans and customized pathways
One size fits all does not work for anyone. TGHC’s coaches empower individual participants to deign their own personalized plans. These include the right meal, exercise, stress and sleep plans based on what they prefer and need.
Safe and science-led
No gimmicks, fad diets, fasting or crazy exercises
Our curriculum is strictly as per medical association guidelines. We do not practice or recommend anything that is not in accordance with established medical association guidelines. Our medical advisory board comprising of senior doctors ensures all our recommendations are safe and science-led. Our health coaches and other experts are certified and licensed.

100% Online
Whole-person health in your pocket
Your whatsapp group will be whole-person health at your fingertips – you can assess your health baseline, communicate with your group coach, design your own meal plans, track your meals and activity, share stories, earn points and participate in team challenges.
Inspired community
Because together we are stronger
Online-only programs inevitably suffer from low engagement levels. That’s why this program brings in community features on the whatsapp group to inspire each other. Our community challenges, points and leader boards also promote some healthy competitive spirit.

Challenges & rewards
Wellbeing rewarded!
You can earn points every day based on your performance on prescribed actions and engagement. These points will be updated daily on the leader boards shared on the group and will count towards multiple prizes at the end.
Amazing value for money
Health & wellbeing for less than a family pizza!
Our program starts at Rs. 499 + taxes only and is phenomenal value because we provide all the knowledge, guidance and online tools under one umbrella. You will also get ITC Right Shift healthy range of products and TGHC services such as diagnostics, health coaching and counselling at discounts or as prizes.

نحن نجعل عملية إدماج برنامجنا في مؤسستك أمر بسيط وسلس.
مجموعة أدوات للتسويق الداخلي
سيظل تركيز زملاؤك على وظائفهم اليومية ولن يضطروا إلى قضاء ساعات في التسجيل أو الإعداد لمعرفة الفوائد الصحية للبرنامج.

سهولة تسجيل الموظف
منصة الكترونية للتقارير
سيظل تركيز زملاؤك على وظائفهم اليومية ولن يضطروا إلى قضاء ساعات في التسجيل أو الإعداد لمعرفة الفوائد الصحية للبرنامج.
نحن نقدم تحديثات منتظمة في منصاتنا الالكترونية الخاصة بالموظف حتى يتمكن من مراقبة تقدم حالته الصحية بسهولة والتركيز على الأولويات الأخرى.