لماذا يجب على الشركات التركيز على صحة الموظفين؟
أكثر من ٢٥٪ من البالغين في الهند يعانون من أمراض التمثيل الغذائي مثل مرض السكري من النوع الأول والثاني، مقدمات السكري، ارتفاع ضغط الدم والسمنة مما يؤدي إلى أكثر من ٢ مليون حالة وفاة سنويًا. فبجانب الإنفاق الزائد للشركة على الرعاية الصحية لزملائك فإنتاجيتهم في العمل ما زالت قليلة.
Higher Productivity
Rising absenteeism, low energy and lack of focus due to poor health. High impact on organizational stewardship if senior executives have poor health
Talent attraction and retention
Prospective and existing employees prefer companies providing healthcare vs. just “sick” care. Healthy, engaged employees are the best ambassadors
Higher engagement
Key differentiator for high-performing employers due to higher pride, trust and commitment. Healthy employees are also catalysts for healthy communities
Cost efficiencies
Employee health costs rising due to higher insurance costs or direct reimbursements. Acute complications caused by chronic conditions also acutely expensive
TGHC's industry-leading engagement and health outcomes are setting a new standard


Satisfaction rating from our members
Members will refer us to their colleagues
Members engaged with TGHC; 2X global average
Of active members have lost weight; average 5%

Of active members have improved energy levels
With gut health issues have improved symptoms
Of active members have adopted mindful eating
Of Diabetic members have lowered Hba1c
لماذا يجب أن تشترك معنا في رحلة تحسين صحة موظفيك؟

Online + Onsite services for pan India locations

Onsite services in vernacular for unionized employees

Online services for Hybrid / WFH work culture

Services for rural and semi urban locations
لماذا يجب أن تشترك معنا في رحلة تحسين صحة موظفيك؟

Our onsite health camps for general check ups, blood tests, eye health and women's health

1-1 consultations on weight loss, fitness, diet, chronic conditions, physiotherapy and mental health

Online consultations with doctors across 15+ specialties organized by your health coach

30+ curated lab packages with TGHC diagnostic partners followed by health analysis

Onsite clinics for ergonomics, occupational health and health coaching + virtual consultations

All TGHC services and meal, activity and biomarker tracking, mental health tools and rewards
لماذا يجب أن تشترك معنا في رحلة تحسين صحة موظفيك؟
منهجنا العلمي مع الطبيب المخصص لك يطبق بأمان الكيمياء الحيوية الغذائية، التمارين الرياضية، فسيولوجيا معالجة مشاكل الإجهاد والنوم، الأدوية الصحيحة وعلم النفس الإيجابي. فهو لا يساعد فقط على عكس أو منع أمراض التمثيل الغذائي، ولكنه يهدف أيضًا إلى زيادة العمر بشكل إجمالي من خلال تجنب الأمراض المزمنة الأخرى وتحسين جودة الحياة.
إليكم اسباب اختلافنا

Breadth of our offering
India's only whole-person health platform
TGHC is India’s only whole-person health platform covering 10+ health goals from assessing health baseline through onsite health camps to online doctor consultations across 15+ specialties, fitness coaching, chronic disease reversal, ergonomics and physiotherapy, women’s health, digestive health and mental health counselling - all with just one employee wellbeing partner
Depth of our expertise
Dedicated and internally trained health experts
TGHC's international team of 50+ doctors, health coaches, fitness experts, psychologists, physiotherapists, ergonomics, fitness, yoga and meditation experts deliver the best of global healthcare. We have also partnered with pan India diagnostic chains for accredited lab tests. Our health coaches are internally trained rigorously on curriculum from leading global universities

Designed for engagement
Surround sound engagement for employees
TGHC's surround sound engagement through onsite and online activities, H+ points for rewards, competitions and team-based challenges for competitive spirit and online self-assessments are leading to 1.6X higher engagement than other platforms. Higher engagement is also due to rigorous and structured follow up by our coaches
Quantified health outcomes
Best in class health outcomes across health goals
80% of our members see health improvements such as lower weight, improved metabolism, lower medications, improved mood and energy levels and better digestion in just 3 months. Our members' health outcomes are shared with client HR every month in a detailed dashboard. TGHC health outcomes are published online and presented at international health conferences.

Personalized plans and programs
Individual plans and customized care pathways
One size fits all does not work for anyone. TGHC’s coaches prepare personalized pathways together with their individual members. These include the right meal, exercise, stress and sleep plans that are personalized for each individual based on what they prefer and need. Our programs are also tailored to special interest cohorts such as women’s health, mind health, musculoskeletal health, etc.
Safe and science-led
No gimmicks, fad diets, fasting or crazy exercises
TGHC health plans are strictly as per medical association guidelines. We do not practice or recommend anything that is not in accordance with established medical association guidelines. Our medical advisory board comprising of senior doctors ensures all our recommendations are safe and science-led. Our health coaches and other experts are certified and licensed in their fields.

Feature-rich TGHC mobile app
Whole-person health in your pocket
TGHC’s app is whole-person health at your fingertips – your employees can organize health check ups, speak with their coach, design their own meal plans, track their meals and activity, access mind health tools, integrate wearables, set reminders and weekly goals, earn H+ points and participate in team challenges. Phew!
Onsite activations and clinics
Whole-person health at your doorstep
Online-only programs inevitably suffer from low engagement levels. That’s why TGHC’s innovative onsite events such as health camps, stepathons, doctors onsite, eye camps catalyze entire organizations. Our onsite ergonomics, occupational health and coaching clinics are convenient, modular and door-openers to TGHC’s whole-person health

Easy, frictionless & secure
Wellbeing at your convenience with data privacy
Our members connect with their coaches who are their single point of contact through any channel of their preference – website, calls, whatsapp or our wonderful mobile app. We follow the same encryption standards required by international data security certifications. All our data resides on AWS health cloud which has robust encryption to protect your employees' data.
Budget-friendly for employers
Employee wellbeing & ROI for every budget
Our programs are best value for employers because we provide all health and wellbeing services under one umbrella and our contractual slots can cover any health goals for your employees. Vs. paying 3 different vendors earlier for different health and wellbeing services, now you can work with TGHC for all your employee wellbeing needs. Our plans start as low as Rs. 100 per employee per month

مكّن زملائك من تحمل مسؤولية تحسين صحتهم
سواء كانت مؤسستك كبيرة أو شركة ناشئة، سيرى موظفوك تحسينات صحية في غضون أسابيع مع تقليل الأدوية مثل الأنسولين. وإليك ما سيحصل عليه الأعضاء في البرنامج:
التحاليل الصحية
فحص كامل للصحة الأيضية من خلال مجموعة منتقاة من الاختبارات المعملية واستبيان تفصيلي وتحليل الخبراء

نظام مدعوم بالتكنولوجيا
تطبيق جوال للأعضاء لعرض التقدم الصحي، تسجيل المؤشرات الحيوية، الوجبات الغذائية، النشاط والحصول على تدريب الصحي والتحليلات اقرأ المزيد
خطط مصممة خصيصا
خطط فردية للوجبات والمكملات الغذائية والتمارين وإدارة النوم بناءً على تفضيلات الأعضاء والتحاليل الصحية
مجتمع منسق
مجتمع خاص وخاضع للإشراف وقيد الاشتراك من شركاء متشابهين في البرنامج للحصول على آراء وقصص نجاح وتجارب وتحفيز
مدرب مخصص
تدريب صحي عن بُعد غير محدود، والالتزام بخطة الأدوية، ودعم لزيارات الطبيب وإحالات للأطباء الشركاء
علم النفس الإيجابي
من أجل التغيير المستمر في السلوك من خلال تغيير طريقة التفكير، الوعي، تحديد الأهداف والتعزيزات الشخصية بدون أحكام
نحن نجعل عملية إدماج برنامجنا في مؤسستك أمر بسيط وسلس.
مجموعة أدوات للتسويق الداخلي
سيظل تركيز زملاؤك على وظائفهم اليومية ولن يضطروا إلى قضاء ساعات في التسجيل أو الإعداد لمعرفة الفوائد الصحية للبرنامج.

سهولة تسجيل الموظف
سيظل تركيز زملاؤك على وظائفهم اليومية ولن يضطروا إلى قضاء ساعات في التسجيل أو الإعداد لمعرفة الفوائد الصحية للبرنامج.

منصة الكترونية للتقارير
نحن نقدم تحديثات منتظمة في منصاتنا الالكترونية الخاصة بالموظف حتى يتمكن من مراقبة تقدم حالته الصحية بسهولة والتركيز على الأولويات الأخرى.